PADI Specialty Courses


The Equipment Specialist PADI course is for you who want to know how your diving equipment works and how to maintain it yourself.

The more you know about your equipment, the more comfortable you will feel with it, the better you will use it and the better you will take care of it.

The course covers the theory, principles and operation of diving equipment, recommended routine procedures for caring for and maintaining the equipment and how to store it, common problems with the equipment and professional maintenance procedures, among others.

The PADI Equipment Specialist course is not a course that teaches you how to repair equipment, but it provides the foundation for you to take care of your equipment.

Ready to live this experience?

How much time do I need?

6 hours of theory

What is included?

Didactic material and theoretical classes.

Who can do it?

Have at least Scuba Diver or Junior Scuba Diver certification.

How much is it?

From R$1.704,00

For R$1.533,60

Pix with 10% discount

or R$1,704.00 in 6 installments of R$284.00 interest-free on your credit card

Note: certification can be used as credit toward the PADI Master Scuba Diver category.

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